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A Garden of Winding Paths: Towards the Autobiography of a Translator

曲徑通幽 · 譯家之言


29 Mar 2023

In this talk, Prof. John Minford will be sharing his ongoing work on his forthcoming autobiography, named after his Garden of Winding Paths in New Zéaland.


As a sinologist and literary translator, Prof. John Minford is primarily known for his translations of Chinese classics such as The Story of the Stone, The Art of War, I Ching, Tao Te Ching, and Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio. He graduated from Oxford in 1968 with a First Class Honours degree in Chinese Studies and for the subsequent 15 years worked closely with David Hawkes on the Penguin Classics version of The Story of the Stone, translating the last forty chapters. He later spent an extended period teaching translation and Chinese literature at universities in mainland China, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Australia. Apart from Chinese classical texts, Prof. John Minford is also a prolific translator, essayist, reviewer, and editor of various genres in Chinese literature, including lyric poems, new writings, and modern poems. In 2016, Prof. John Minford received the Medal for Excellence in Translation Award from the Australian Academy of Humanities (AAH). He is now Emeritus Professor of Australia National University, Sin Wai Kin Distinguished Professor of Chinese Culture and Translation, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, and Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Translation Society.

漢學家、文學翻譯家閔福德教授以英譯中華文化經典見著,包括《紅樓夢》、《 孫 子 兵 法 》 、 《 易 經 》 、 《 道 德經》、《聊齋誌異》。閔福德教授1968年以漢學一級榮譽畢業於牛津大學,其後15年隨大衛·霍克思為企鵝經典系列翻譯《紅樓夢》,他負責翻譯後四十回。此後,閔福德教授任教於中國內地、香港、新西蘭、澳大利亞等地。除譯介中華經典外,閔福德教授亦翻譯、創作、評論及編輯其他文類,包括詞、新詩和新派寫作。閔福德教授於2016年獲澳洲人 文 學 院 ( AAH ) 之 Medal forExcellence in Translation 獎項, 現任澳洲國立大學榮休教授、香港恒生大學冼為堅卓越教授(中國文化與翻譯),亦為香港翻譯學會榮譽會士。

To register 註冊鏈接:

日期: 二零二三年四月六日(星期四)
時間: 下午四時半至下午六時 (註冊於四時開始)
地點: 香港浸會大學逸夫校園 WLB104室
模式: 現場分享
語言: 英語;提供廣東話即時傳譯

Date: 6 April 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm (Registration starts at 4pm)
Venue: WLB 104, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University
Mode: On-site participation
*English-Cantonese simultaneous interpreting will be provided

TC Lai
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